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All American

[ 0 ] March 5, 2011 | |

Eric T. Schabacker
©2011  Eric T. Schabacker
Contact: 479-253-2530 or

We’re a workin’ family with bills to pay
So far behind can’t see the light of day
But that’s OK … We’ve still got plenty to eat

An’ in the mornin’ when we take our kids to school
We thank God our old  Ford still runs like new
From our point of view … we live on easy street

We sweat  all day ‘til the sun goes down
So grateful we’re on sacred ground
Where freedom’s allowed to wear her star spangled crown
Oh what a country….

We’re All American
Livin’  in the USA
Where Miss Liberty gives her guarantee
No one can take that away

We’re who we want to be
Say what we want to say
We’re allowed to take a stand
‘Cause we’re All American
We’re All American

After dinner when the kids have said good night
An’ their Mom and I are both tucked in tight
We always take time .. to say how lucky we are

That our family doesn’t have to live in fear
Where children go hungry year after year
(No,)  it’s good to be here under the stripes and stars
There’s no place like home


We’re All American (4X)

We’re who we want to be
We say what we want to say
We can take a stand
‘Cause we’re All American

We’re All American

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